A decentralized gamified platform to advance research, conservation, and protection of the natural world through immersive technology.
Project overview
The MetAmazonia follows web3.0 principles striking a balance between hyper-realistic quality and decentralized finance through blockchain technology. A digital twin with the potential to make our physical world a better one.
The metaverse is divided into several smaller projects. So we need to consider multiple user experiences, from accessing the website to entering the pixeled streamed experience. In this phase, we are focusing on all the steps before entering the digital twin.
The experience
Anyone can own a 1:1 virtual replica of a land in the Amazonian forest, explore the beauty of its nature, built experiences and contribute to the protection of our planet.
The results
A world in which environmental considerations and greater good are aligned with individual incentives. A 3D world that you could own, where you can build and play, but also contribute to the make the planet a better place.